The Alkaline Body Balance



Drinking water every day is crucial to maintaining optimal health. Since your body is about 60-70% water, your organs, blood, and other bodily systems require quality hydration in order to function at their peak performance. "Quality hydration" refers to water that is clean and free of pollutants or contaminants, contains minerals that support proper health, and is at a very positive pH level.

Where on this Earth can you find such a high-quality water?

Unfortunately, the world's water is polluted with agricultural run- off, sewage, and other toxic agents that compromise our health. Even some bottled waters are no more than well-marketed tap water.

are no more than well-marketed tap water. And since their filtering processes eliminate all minerals - even the healthy ones - you will experience no additional benefits.

Thankfully, Enagic® Kangen Water® is delicious, healthy water that filters all unwanted contaminants and pollutants found in your ordinary tap water, but the forward-thinking Enagic® technology ensures that the necessary minerals are left in tact. Kangen Water® also has the ability to properly hydrate the body while creating a positive alkaline environment.

What could be more important? After all, your body is water.



"Good for the body is the work of the body, good for the soul is the work of the soul, and good for either the work of the other."

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