Features and Benefits Provided by the Life Insurance Policy

Death Benefit Protection

Cash Accumulation

A cash value life insurance policy with accelerated benefit riders can provide a tax-free death benefit and /or living benefits of:

Critical lllness

(Cancer,Heart Attack,Stroke,etc..)

Critical Injury

(Coma,Brain injury,Paralysis,Burns )

Chronic ILLness

(Assistance with daily

living, bathing, eating, dressing,

transferning, etc...)

Terminal ILLness

(May provide living benefits if death is expected within12-24months...

term varies by state)

Potential cash value accumulation for lifestyle needs such as supplemental retirement income.

policy features include :

Interest Crediting Potential

(0%floor protects against declines in an index)

No loss of Cash Value, 0% Floor

Potential Cash value Growth Tax Deferred

Potential Income Tax-free Withdrawals

(Access to cash value using policy loans and withdrawals that may be income tax free )

(Cancer,Heart Attack,Stroke,etc..)


Before and After the Kai-Zen Strategy

Total Cash Accumulation

Potential for Supplemental

Retirement Income


Death Benefit

Age 65-85




Death Benefit

Age 65-85

Without Kai-Zen Strategy

With Kai-Zen Strategy

Total Cash Accumulation

Potential for Supplemental

Retirement Income

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